Monday 25 August 2008

Dental Treatments

Dental Implants
Dental implants are used to artificially replace a single missing tooth or several teeth. They are made of titanium a material that after being surgically placed in the jaw integrates with human bone and serves as an artifical root for a porcelain or ceramic prosthesis. The sytem becomes complete with the placement of the crowns or bridges on top of the implants. They provide a strong, permanent and aesthetic tooth restoration. Our Dental Surgeons use the best quality German, Austrian and American dental implants and regularly participate in international trainings in order to maintain a professional and up-to-date knowledge. more about implantsCrownsCrowns are used as a restoration of single teeth. They can be made of metal, porcelain and ceramic material. They are permanently cemented either to a prepared natural teeth or on top of a dental implant. They provide a natural and aesthetic solution in prosthetic dentistry. more about crownsBridgesA bridge replaces 3 or more teeth and held either by our own teeth that are adjacent to the missing ones or by implants. They are usually made of metal, porcelain or ceramic material. They can serve as long lasting, durable and fixed alternatives for dentures. more about bridgesDenturesDentures replace missing teeth. Conventional dentures are usually supported by the gum tissue of the oral cavity, whereas clip-on dentures are supported by implants. more about denturesInlays, OnlaysCeramic an porcelain aesthetic tooth coloured inlays and onlays are available to replace large fillings (Gradia, Cercon, Procera, porcelain). more about inlays and onlaysVeneersThe ideal solution for teeth that are discoloured or crooked. During the procedure a tooth coloured thin shell of porcelain or ceramic is attached to the front surface of the teeth. By using veneers a beautiful smile can be achieved in no more than a week. more about veneersWhiteningPopular, effective and relatively cheap method to improve the aesthetic appearance of teeth. It is recommended when the teeth are discoloured. Teeth change their colour as a result of root canal treatment and lifestyle such as smoking and drinking coffee. Bleeching can be carried out in the dental surgery by laser or at home by using a home kit. more about whiteningRoot canal treatment If there is a severe decay that involves inflammation of the nerves and vessels inside the root canal the tooth can be saved by cleaning this cavity and replacing it with a special filling. more about rctFillings Our dentists use long lasting tooth coloured fillings to replace the cavities in the teeth caused by decay. more about fillingsTooth extraction When a teeth becomes loose, seriously damaged, decayed or when there is a gum disease it is recommended that you have it removed. Replacement of missing teeth can be carried out by implant systems that provide a natural and aesthetic solution. more about tooth extractionBraces Orthodontics is an area of dentistry that deals with improper bites (malocclusion). Improper bite is caused by dental displacements (crowding) or the modification of facial bone growth. Orthodontic treatment aims to restore the normal position of the teeth and this can be done by dental braces. more about bracesCompare prices and compare quality!Back to Home Page


Unknown said...

For dental implants, the best English speaking dental clinic abroad is surely, their prices are great and the clinic is run by UK people.

Unknown said...

I also undergone a root canal due to teeth decay. Great information about Dental implant. Just have a look at my site dentists edinburgh

Unknown said...

With dental tourism not only do you save an enormous amount of money --- since offshore dental procedures can be performed for as little as one-fourth the cost of what would normally be charged in the Western states, with state-of-the-art facilities to boot, you also get to enjoy VIP services, such as personalized hotel accommodations, free shuttle services to and from the airport, and absolutely to-die-for hotel accommodations, restaurants, spas, and vacation packages anywhere.
Dentist India

Unknown said...

I am feeling pleasure to find such information through your blog. Nice work done. Please keep posting.

Jesse said...

The great thing with dental implants is that you have lots to choose from and all of those are effective in teeth improvement. We should only choose the right dentist to do the operation. And most importantly, you should do your part too! :)

Jesse Hake

Eugen said...

Tooth loss often results from tooth decay, injury to the teeth and jaw, or disease. Individuals choose a full set of dentures(cheap dentures abroad) for a variety of reasons. Some are cosmetic. However, it' recommended that damaged teeth, or those that have fallen out, to be replaced for ease of eating, as well as prevention of further damage to remaining teeth. Failure to do so may result in shifting of the remaining teeth. Two styles of dentures are available: complete or full dentures for those who have no teeth, and a partial denture or an over-denture for those individuals who are only missing a few teeth. Full dentures fill replace your entire upper or lower arch of teeth and support jaw form and structure.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing information. Nowadays many people are choosing to avail dental treatment abroad for the excellent quality service, world-class oral surgeons and state-of-the-art technology. The extremely qualified team in overseas countries are well-trained to provide personalized treatment catering to the needs of every individual. Thailand is one of the best countries to offer dental treatment.